How to Start Your Online Personal Training Business

Ever wonder if it was time to start your online personal training business?

Becoming an online personal trainer is quite popular these days. As it turns out, this is an excellent time to start your online personal training business. It’s new, it’s current, and almost everyone has access to the internet and smart phones.

This blog series will show you step by step if you are ready to be your own boss and how to get your business set up to success. Each blog can be read independently, but it is better to do each step in order. If you have already done some of the steps, skip to where you need to be in the process and go from there.

This could be your office.

Work where you want

Client Advantages of Online Personal Training

From the client viewpoint, online training offers many things. 

The price is much less. Typically a client may pay a trainer on an average of $60 per one hour session. If they train three time a weeks it works out to over $700/month. Online training can be offered for as half that price or sometimes even less. 

Clients can train anywhere and anytime. This freedom can be a big motivator.

Out of shape clients can often be intimidated in a formal gym. Not so when they train in the privacy of their own home. Also, someone is new to fitness, can learn the basics at their own pace.

Benefits For You When You Start Your Online Personal Training Business

Train in person or online – You decide when to train clients in person or online.

Flexible hours –  Pick the days  and times that are best for you. Adapt your schedule to meet changing needs.

Higher client census – As an online personal trainer you can work with more clients than you normally could with one on one training.

Less scheduling issues – no client cancels which can mean lost revenue. No late arrivals to delay your time with your next client.

No travel time or expenses – You can train from your own home.

Train anywhere – Since it is via the internet, you can be anywhere you want. Take a trip to Hawaii. Not a problem, as long as you manage your time and schedule.

Train clients anywhere regardless of their location – This means you have a much larger number of potential clients. You can live in a small town and access to millions of potential clients.

Train the type of client you want to train – You decide who your optimal client is and work with them

Less competition – Online training is still very new so you can stand out.

Train clients that do not want a gym membership – These are clients you would never see in person, so this adds even more potential to  gain clients.

Consistent revenue flow – You have the ability to charge subscription rates so income can be consistent.


Can you really train your clients online? Yes you can!

First, the obvious needs to be mentioned. You have to already be a personal trainer. And ideally you have been a personal trainer and know how to train in person.

That being said, we can show you how to move from in person training to online training, step by step. There is no catch. No e-book to buy, no supplements to buy, no courses to attend.  There will be recommendations for certain software programs. One is Total PT Fitness which is sold by our company. But you do not have to use it to be an online trainer. It will make your job easier, and we hope you try it, but it is not required.

Professional Software for Personal Trainers and Wellness Professionals

Video exercise, fitness testing, nutrition counseling and phone app for clients

Setting up your own business is not for everyone. You need to be ready and prepared. If you can answer yes to the following five key questions, you are in good shape to get started.

Question 1 – Are you willing to put in long hours to get your business going?

Ask anyone who has their own business and they will tell you, it takes a lot of time in the beginning. You may even work more hours in the start up phase then you do in your regular job. Often you will need to keep your regular job hours and work extra hours after work to get your business set up.

Start Your Online Personal Training Business

Question 2 – Are you determined to make it work?

Dedication and determination are required to make it through both easy and hard times, no matter what. 

Question 3 – Are you willing to learn to new things and skills to be successful?

It is not enough to be the world’s greatest personal trainer. You will need to acquire knowledge in new areas.  For example, this may include learning some basic advertising, how to use bookkeeping software, how to design flyers, how to write basic blogs, setting up a website and more. 

Start Your Online Personal Training Business

Question 4 – Are you prepared to invest not just time but money to get your business started?

Unless you are already wealthy or lucky enough to have someone invest money, you will be putting up the money. You may need to continue working your regular job to help pay for the extra costs.

The good news is that an online business has minimal financial requirements. You don’t need to rent office space or buy a fleet of trucks.

But it is important to understand there will be upfront and ongoing costs involved. Your website will require monthly hosting fees. There will be some software you need to purchase. Advertising flyers will need to be printed.

Total PT Fitness Online – The Perfect Software for Handling Client Fitness Programs

Question 5 – Finally, do you have a good support network?

A support network of friends, family and others is crucial. Friends can help you when the going gets tough. Family can provide feedback with new ideas. Business associates and mentors can provide business advice.

Support network personal trainer business

Ready to start your online personal training business?

If you answered yes to all the “readiness” questions above, you are ready to move forward. It can be a hard path running your own business. But it can also be a rewarding adventure. A very more detailed list of what it takes can be found on this 12 step guide to starting a business. And this link about starting your own business has some insightful info too.

Time to move on the the next step! Check out Setting Up an Online Personal Trainer Business – The First Steps.

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