How To Make Your Online Personal Training Package Prices

Online Personal Training Package Prices - Crucial For Sucess

If you have been progressing along with this blog series, you should have your basic prices established. If not, you should read the previous blog on pricing because you have to have prices in order to create your online personal training package prices.

Don’t just list prices. Personal training is not like a cafeteria where you choose potato or macaroni salad. Wouldn’t you want to hire someone who you know can meet your needs and goals? Just listing: personal training – $100/month doesn’t cut it. Prices and services need to be presented to the customer in a clear, simple manner. 

Why good package prices will make you money and save you headaches.

Remember, you want to make it easy for customers to give you money. Creating clear choices and price levels is the goal. But in the end it will help ensure you make and earn money faster, sell your services easier and avoid dissatisfied clients. Here is why:

Make money: Making various  personal training package plans helps you make sure you know just what you are providing. Can you offer the service for the fee you will be charging? Is it a fair value? Is it clear what you are selling? What limits do you want in a package? What things might you want to offer as options?

Earn faster, sell faster: Providing specific packages gives potential customers easy and clear choices. They can pick a plan that meets their needs. It helps them know exactly how much money they will be spending. This makes it easy for customers to decide and click on the order button. In short, you have made it easy for them to buy.

Avoid dissatisfied clients: Listing prices and specific services decreases the chances of a customer thinking they did not get something they paid for. This can help eliminate refund demands or just bad press. For instance, listing “one custom workout plan/week” is better than saying “custom training plans”. In the event of a misunderstanding, you have facts on your side.

online personal training package

One shot or ongoing?

As you begin to think about your personal training online package options, consider whether you want to offer a one time training package or on ongoing/monthly service. In general, ongoing is better for long terms success.

The one time shot, while sometimes easier to sell, means you have to constantly acquire new customers. This means more advertising expense, more client set up time. The ongoing may take more time to get the client, but you have a renewing money source.

Next are the four steps to making your online personal training package plans.

Step 1 - Create a list of results that your client wants

Although we are showing you how to create package price plans, in reality, you are creating packages that will meet the needs of your clients. The client rarely wants to just buy a “custom workout plan” for working out their arms and legs.

Remember the niche client examples we used? They really want things like getting healthy, looking better, freedom to exercise in privacy, etc. In other words, they are really looking to achieve a goal or outcome.

Look at your target clients and create a list.

What results do they want? Do you have the outcome are they trying to get? What are the goals they want to reach?

Step 2 - Create a list of services you can offer

In this step you are just making a list of services you can provide that relate to the list you made for client needs. This includes fitness programs, fitness testing, video chats, nutritional consults, This list depends on a couple things. 

First of course is your current skill set and knowledge.

For example, if you are offering programs for toning, do you know how to design those types of workouts? We presume you are already a certified trainer and know most of the basics. But it is a good idea to write it all on a list just to make sure you are ready and able to provide each specific service.

The second is to list the tools you have to provide the services like workouts, nutrition, video chats etc. 

For example if you are offering workout programs, you need some way to be able to provide them. It may be as simple as an exercise name using a spreadsheet or self made videos. A personal training software designed to give your client access to custom made exercise video workouts is usually the best way to go. Total PT Fitness can handle testing and nutrition as well.

Professional Software for Personal Trainers and Wellness Professionals

Video exercise, fitness testing, nutrition counseling and phone app for clients

Step 3 - Start putting together packages.

This step is where you combine all the information from the previous two steps to create some well defined options for your online personal training package plans. Three levels is a good starting place and keeps it easy for clients to choose. Additionally, having three levels is often used in many products. Think about cars. Often you will see the basic with no frills, the mid level with some extra options and the deluxe top of the line with all the bells and whistles.

Keep in mind that the basic level should be able to handle the end goal of the client. Higher plans can add in “extras” for those that want them. Furthermore, you can always have an option plan like video chat or daily motivation calls for customers that want even more services.

Remember, if your price plans are not perfect, you can edit them as experience dictates. Create some basic plans and go from there.

online personal training package

HOT TIP: Giving plans a catchy names help people understand levels and price tiers. Bronze, Silver, Gold or Basic, Elite, Premium for example.

Step 4 - Create your incentive and discount strategy.

Discounts are important. It helps encourage the customer to move forward. But discounts need to be carefully considered. And avoid free training trials. You do not want to lower or eliminate the value of your services. If you give a month of training at half price, they wonder why they can’t always get it at that price. This can lead to them think they are paying too much or being taken advantage of.  And that is a sure way to encourage drop out. But there are many ways  to offer discounts without decreasing the worth of your personal training. Following are some options.

Discount - But Don't Devalue

Offer a free fitness assessment: Providing a free assessment when a client signs up for a plan does not devalue your monthly training services. Give the assessment a value of $50, then provide it for no cost. Now the client has saved money and you get to charge a fair price for your services.

Offer a discount for paying entire plan in advance: If your basic plan is $100/month and it is a six month plan, paying monthly is $600 in the long run. Create a pay for all six months in advance for only $500 and the customer sees a discount. They understand that paying more up front gives them the discount. You don’t lower your service value and you get money up front.

Offer extras: Another way to not lower your price is to offer freebies. Doing this gives extra value to your services. The client gets more for their money. Examples of this are offering free screening, an extra motivation email each month, etc.

More ideas: There are many other incentives as well. Elevating your expertise, emphasizing need or urgency and more. This link on discount alternatives has more methods.

online personal training package

Online personal training package prices will contribute to your success

Take the time to set up your package pricing plans. Make them match your client’s needs. Be sure to services you offer are part of your skill set. Strive to create ongoing income plans. Offer incentives and call to action discounts that don’t decrease your value. And keep them simple with clear lists of what the client receives.

Pricing plans can always be revised. Start simple and go from there.

Once your pricing plans are in place, you are just a few steps from opening up your business to the world. Check out the next blog on Creating Personal Training Templates.

Total PT Fitness Online – The Perfect Software for Handling Client Fitness Programs

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